College Fair Reflection

On December 16,2016 we had a college fair at the CCEC with the Film academy for our 2nd and 3rd periods. On that day we had to be presentable so in other words in business attire and we had to be mature and well educated. This college fair was organize by Mrs. Lopez so all the students, no matter if we were a sophomore, junior, or senior, you had to opportunity to look and get inform of colleges and programs and careers and learn a lot of the things they do and what they had to offer to you. That day it was pack with a lot of people from different places that took their time to talk to us about the things they do or what the colleges they work at had to offer. Some colleges that came to out scholl that I remember where SUNY Polytechnic institute, BMCC, Minority Science Engineering Improvement Program, and many more. As well people that work in hospitals and firefighters, and people from the Army.
That day I was so excited because I learned a lot and i go to share this experience with my two best friends that are in the Film Academy. I go the amazing opportunity to get to speak to important people and also get myself inform on what they do and how I can get an advantage of it and maybe if i like it do the same thing. My favorite part of this College fair was when i got to talk to this guy from the army and he was telling me that all the things he do at the army and the many different fields that they offers and that i could join once i turn 17 years old. It was pretty interesting as well the fact that i could retiree once i am  like 35 and get a lot of money.
Also i got the change to talk to another guy who works at a hospital and well he is currently in training but he told me a lot of interesting things that made me think that maybe the Med field would be a good thing for me. Since I feel like i would be a good person to be in it because i like helping a lot of people and i like taking care of children and making sure they are safe. Anyways i found out that in the Med Field they are different things you can do. And the person who was telling me all this wants to be a psychiatrist and study the human mind and help those how are in depression or what not and that is something that i would love to do.
Over all i feel like this College fair thought me a lot that i didn't know and i got to spend this amazing experience with my friends and have a chance to talk to a lot of different and important people. And i hope that maybe later on in the future we could have more things like this because i truly value things like this were i have a chance to get a lot of information with a person that works and knows everything and can tell me their experience and how they go to be were                                                                   they are now  than the internet were you can't even believe                                                                     whether is truth or not.  


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