Lab 12 Reflection

            Lab 12 was the first lab in were my classmates and I were going to start using JavaScript. For the completion of this lab I basically used my knowledge of HTML and CSS to do the main basics of codes to create my webpage. Adding attributes of JavaScript of the first time was truly i pain but something I've been waiting to do for a long time. For this lab we had to create a From and buttons using <script> </script> and inside those tags included a whole bunch of other contents. 
            At first i had no problem in doing this lab since i have everything that i needed done. However the main struggle of all this was trying to make sure that my buttons worked. I spend most of my time looking at my code to make sure everything was alright and perfect. Lastly it took me like about the end of  period to notice that i forgot to add a semicolon and add the id name "demo".
            Overall i had a good learning experience doing this type of lab and it made me realize that next time i have to pay close attention to make sure that all my codes a right so i don't make the same mistake twice and end up wasting my time looking for mistakes.   


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