Lab 5 Reflection Journal

If things couldn't get worse, Lab 5 came along. And let me tell you that in my own personal opinion i think it was a great lab over all. However there were still some obstacles and complications on the way of completing this lab. Lab 5 was all about creating a table with 2 rows and 6 columns using HTML of course. After that we would great a list of our favorite foods, favorite movies, favorite school subjects and least favorite school subjects, with also a list of our normal day shopping list and what we get. Obviously how you guys know i started the basic steps of my website with the basic normal codes of HTML.  But on this day I go the chance to learn a lot of more of codes. For example like  <table border="8px" BORDERCOLOR="" tablestyle="background color: white">, <tr>, <th>, <li>, <ol>, and <ul> and a bunch of others. 
I really enjoy doing this lab because it came out the way i wanted it to be. Like i didn't have no problem selecting my background color and/or choosing the colors that i wanted for the font of my letters. But the one thing i was really upset about is that when i when to apply the color "Peru" it didn't look good, so i had to change it. I really go to learn a lot about this lab. I would like to learn more about how i can change the color of the bullet points or if i can add color to the "1's" or "a's" or the Roman Numeral. Lastly this is pretty much all about my Lab 5. 



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