Lab 4 Reflection Journal

 On September 26, 2016 my class and I where taught new codes for us to used in Lab 4. Since I got the hand of using HTML and memorizing the codes really fast, I had no problem writing the codes done and getting the part of my website started. Lab 4 was about how to create a table in our websites. Which had to include 15 rows and 3 columns and it was mainly about Html color codes. To create this website we had to use the basic normal tags like <html> and <center>, <body>, and others. And also new ones like <table>, <th>, and <td>. Mrs. Ramirez had giving us 8 indicated colors for each one to us and then come up with 7 different other colors of your own choosing. I was really happy that i got to pick some colors of my own choosing that i like. Two of my favorite that i picked out was Peru which code is #CD853F and LightCoral which code is #F08080.

While doing this lab I'm not going to lie, its so far on of my favorite but it was so hard to get to appear in the website link Since silly me didn't know hot to get my lab into FileZilla i accidentally delete my folder and i had to do everything again. I was struggle so hard that i almost gave up. So I did everything and go my folder back in FileZilla. However my Lab wasn't showing, and i have to thank my two friends Sebas and Akin because if it wasn't for them i would of never had found my lab using the link They helped me and i don't know how but somehow they found my mistake and helped me fix it.

To be honest and I have to say this but everyday i learn something new. And I'm happy i learn something new everyday. Whether it is easy or hard, but what i want to change is than rather than asking for help i want to offer my help. Now that i have learned how to build this type of website i hope to get that change to help someone in the future.  And this is pretty much everything about Lb4.



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