Data Chart Reflection
On January 4 we learned how to transform data's into charts. We had analyze the data given to us in an google spreadsheet and then make 3 different visualization of charts to represent the data. and their are many different type of charts like a scatter chart, line chart, bar chart,etc. To complete the assignment giving to us we used and in there they showed us step by step how to properly represent data in charts in that right way. So first off what happened is that I needed to download a file which had data in google sheets and then represent that data on charts. In the process of doing all these it wasn't that hard since there was directions on what we had to do and it wasn't the hard to follow. The specific data that it was plotted in this charts was the average rating by age and gender in movie rating. It helped me discover there are more men and woman from 20 to 45 that gave a huge increase and decrease on movie ratings. Overall this assign...