WBL Reflection Journal
On May 6, 2017 we had a WBL Workshop at the CCEC or also known as the school library. There we were tough by Mrs. Lopez about being "Money-wise". This workshop was to inform us about making money, saving it, spending it, budgeting it, investing it, and watching it grow doing everything wisely. This was to show us the importance of understating Personal Finance, as well as the importance of time. Time is finite and time waits for no one. We all have an expiration date and time actually has a cost. Also we learned the Financial Literacy is the ability to understand how money works, how to manage it, hot to earn it, and how to invest it. Then we learned the differences between Assets and Liability. You see assets are things that appreciate in value over time. however in the other hand liability are things that depreciate over time. Rich people accommodate assets while poor people accommodate liability. There were a lot of good things in this workshop that I though would co...