Lab#3 Reflection Journal

This lab was all about improving in our skills of making a website. In this lab me and my class had to do a website that include everything from images to links. Pretty much what i had to do was just create my basic normal codes that i used in the past do example <html>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3> and a bunch of other codes to create the basic steps of my begging my website. Once i did as my beginning steps i added a font color to the background using <body bgcolor="#1F618D">. Then i started to add the 3 different images that i had to include, which was a screenshot of my blog, a screenshot of Mrs.Ramirez blog, and a screenshot of W3School. I really was enjoying this lab i decide to add more color to the font of the letters.
Over all i think this lab wasn't so hard to create but at the last part of this lab that i had to send it in like a link, i was struggling. Because I had a hard time trying to find my website, it was impossible for me to think straight and to figure out whether at made a mistake or not. However my partner Akin helped me and the reason i was having trouble find it was because i didn't at the last part of the link to find my website ".html". And if my luck wasn't getting worse after i found it and i got supper happy,  i decide to check the links of the websites of the pictures i include, and somehow that lick weren't working. i got supper frustrated, i didn't and couldn't believe i had another problem with this Lab. I started to check everything and at the end i figure it out, i copy the link wrong.
This is why and is a lesson for everyone to learn that it takes a lot of dedication and patience because if you don't have those then everything won't turn out good. And that is what i learn for this lab, that you have to had does things and more and to not give up because maybe sometimes you can get frustrated and etc but once you try so hard and you fix whatever was wrong you feel so good about yourself. At the end you learn from your mistakes.


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